Typically, you get to know where the assertion failed ( file name or line number) and maybe some optional message the code printed. 通常,您会知道断言在何处失败(文件名或行号),可能代码会打印出一些可选的消息。
You can add an optional argument, a variable that holds the return code from the external program, such as0 for success, which provides a better mechanism for debugging. 您可以添加可选的参数,即保存从外部程序返回的代码的变量,比如表示成功的0,这为调试提供更好的机制。
For example, besides house number and street name, the Address object has one more optional property as Cross Street which is not shown in the above code segment. 例如,除了门牌号和街道名称,Address对象还有几个可选属性,如CrossStreet,它在上面的代码片段中并没有用到。
If the ( optional) single-instance-storage feature is turned on, an additional hash code ( based on the mail content and other fields) must be generated. 如果打开单事务存储特性(可选),那么必须生成一个附加的散列码(根据邮件内容和其他字段)。
It contains the locale folders, which are lower cased, and a hyphen separates the language code from the optional country code. 它包含locale文件夹,使用小写格式,并用连字符分隔语言代码和可选的国家代码。
As with a lex file, a yacc file comes in three sections, the last of which is optional, and contains just plain C code to be incorporated in the generated file. 与lex文件一样,yacc文件也由三部分构成(其中最后一个部分是可选的),其内容只是将要融入到生成的文件中的普通的C代码。
Lots of developers seem to think that testing is optional for large swaths of their code, but any code that makes changes to existing classes requires comprehensive testing. 许多开发人员认为他们的大量代码可以选择测试,但是修改现有类的任何代码都需要综合测试。
I've placed explicit return calls in this code, both of which are optional in Groovy, but the code is even more cryptic without them! 我在代码中设置了显式return调用,这在Groovy中都是可选的,但如果不用,代码就更难懂了!
Traditionally, the Java language has always made the else clause of an if optional, assuming that you can simply skip the block of code if the condition holds false. 传统上,Java语言对if的else子句的使用是随意的,并且假定如果条件出错,可以只跳过代码块。
You pass the before method an optional symbol and a code block. 您向before方法传递一个可选的标志和一个代码块。
They have argued, therefore, that the US can enact WTO-consistent procurement rules by excluding from us Procurement China and India, among other developing countries, which have not signed the optional procurement code. 因此他们辩称,美国可以实施与世贸组织规则一致的采购规定,将中国、印度和其它发展中国家排除在外,这些国家尚未签署选择性采购条款。
VS2010 also has a new optional "code optimized" web profile as well that turns off all toolbars, dropdown and HTML designers. VS2010还有一个可选的“代码优化的”webprofile,可以关闭所有的工具条,下拉框和HTML设计器。